Friday, March 16, 2012


There has been a project on my mind for a while. 
Kailey and I always talk about how the moon affects us. We lived a block from the Ocean for a year and watching the tides come and go made an impression on me. How strongly the moon affects the world it orbits.
I was told once the the moon was blamed for women acting "hysterical". To think that even our emotions are subject to the movements of the moon is fascinating to me. Thats where this project comes from. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by many beautiful and fascinating women who are open to being photographed. My plan is to photograph the neck (an integral part of the feminine form) and back of 5 to 7 women and light them as the moon is lit throughout the month waxing and waning.
The project is still in the works though I have one sample shot with the help of my lovely friend Kailey.
Any suggestions or thoughts on this project would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,
Rachel Deehan