Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I woke up a little earlier than usual the other day to the first snow here this season. I get so excited when it snows that I got up and walked around the village taking pictures.

I thought this would be an appropriate day to post some wintery pictures.

Happy Christmas,
Rachel Deehan 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Rachel and I had a wonderful opportunity to photograph our stunning friend Lauren a couple of days ago. The first two images were taken by Rachel. 

The last two were taken by myself. 

Thanks Lauren for being a fantastic model!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Cards for friends

Two of our friends had a great idea for a christmas card this year. Gerry made a Captain America costume for Halloween that was so awesome we needed a photograph. So Gerry and Patrick are Captain America and Red Skull in this photo shoot. Needless to say, they look bad ass.

Maybe one of you lucky folk will receive a hard copy of this in your stockings.

Happy Holidays,
Rachel Deehan